2016 / 台灣 / 24min / 中文字幕
台南中國城拆除前夕,數人在荒廢的中國城裡穿上住民們留下的衣物,等待著最後一批訪客的到來,女郎身著滿是塵埃的禮服,半夜三更擦脂抹粉 ; 法師漫步在散場的戲院裡,進行著迷樣的儀式 ; 來客打開塵封已久的威士忌,敬曾經沈溺過的美色,與曾經繁華的中國城......
On the eve of the demolition of Tainan Chinatown, a few people put on clothes left by the residents in the deserted Chinatown and awaited the arrival of the last batch of visitors: the ladies dressed in dusty dresses, there was an enigmatic ceremony in the theaters in which the audiences were present; visitors opened the long-awaited whiskey, the once beautiful beauties, and once thriving Chinatown …
Creative concept
Tainan Chinatown, a residential mixed city, civic entertainment culture distribution center, has now begun the dismantling of the project. However, the memory of the past still exist? Or with the dust of the project, vanished, without a trace?
The film attempts to Chinatown as the main body, imagine Chinatown demolition on the eve of the psychological state, through the film’s protagonist’s arouse echoes of the past thoughts and today sigh, but also a metaphor of Chinatown, the organic building body psychology. We try to use this video to express the impression that Chinatown gave to us and reflect on the relationship between Chinatown and outsiders through a series of performance performances and artistic activities recorder in the film.